*** This website is best viewed via tablet or computer.
Mobile devices distort the very purposeful layout.* LIGHTING UP THE DARKNESS™We welcome you and yours to this website. We are grateful you have found us.
Lighting Up the Darkness™ is an exciting and unprecedented global endeavor. This project's intention is to serve, uplift, and empower every being with whom we share this planet. The purpose of this project is to facilitate individual and collective growth while healing together, through expanding awareness and co-creating countless projects of peace and empowerment on our planet. This project serves as a catalyst for great change for those here now, and for future generations of all species. This website is intended to be a starting point for the public with regards to this unprecedented planetary project. The information we provide is meant to empower you and yours on your unique paths. We trust you will find what has been looking for you. We trust your community will also benefit from these examples and tools. We have chosen to launch this website in June of 2021 for two important reasons; both of which are shared within these pages. This is a soft launch, so only a few pages are available for public viewing at this time. We will be publishing much more as we are able. Above🡡 and below🡣 are links to explore (many of which are undergoing creative construction). We suggest taking your time perusing them; much of this material will be new territory to explore. We invite you to come back often; new content will be added monthly. As you flow along with us as this website (and our insight) evolves and expands, please know that we welcome new ideas, inspired thoughts, insightful information, expertise on subject matter, supportive resources, and respectful personal viewpoints. This is a new endeavor for the collective, so your personal experience and perspective matters. We deeply appreciate how all beings are on an individual path, but we also understand how our collective path matters to us all. For we truly all are One. Wado (udohiyu utsati) which means “Thank you” in Cherokee. We honor and give thanks for your unique presence and energetic signature on this planet. We believe everyone has a part to play in this one-of-a-kind, unprecedented planetary project. For each of us holds a unique key that unlocks doors to lasting peace and empowerment. We are excited to learn how your unique gifts, abilities, expertise, and insights can become threads in this unprecedented planetary tapestry. We are so hopeful to see how you choose to participate in this project from your corner of the world. We are looking forward with great anticipation to how humanity will come together on every continent for the benefit of all life on Earth ... and beyond.
- Blessings to you and yours LIGHTING UP THE DARKNESS™Hover over the images to view each subject.
Some sections are currently undergoing creative construction.
We will be adding more material and resources every month.
Future content will include material for visually impaired people.
Would you like to know when we've added more content?
We will share with you personally. This website is light-encoded to support, ignite, and awaken all who are welcome here.