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Our Mission
The Lighting Up the Darkness™ project creates spaces of peace and tranquility where once there was once conflict and chaos. This project seeks to transmute traumatic energies embedded into sites around the world through projects inspired by individuals and communities on every continent. Areas once wrought with suffering, pain, and trauma can be transformed into sanctuaries of safety, tranquility, inspiration, and peace. As communities come together to transform spaces in their corner of the world, healing will naturally occur within and without. This project's hope is to heal hearts and minds, soils and souls together. This unprecedented worldwide endeavor is a platform for people all over our planet to co-create spaces of inspiration, peace, and joy for every living being to enjoy now and into the far-distant future.
Thirty years ago, a cherished family member was violently taken from this world. Three decades later, our family is healing in our individual and unique ways. The community from which these incidents occurred has yet to find lasting peace from these fearful atrocities; ten other families in that city experienced just as much horror, pain, terror, trauma, and heartache as ours did three decades ago. As our hearts and minds are healing, we are now addressing other aspects that have yet to heal - the land where the unspeakable incident occurred.
Rather than focusing on the unfathomable event we are focused on new events unfolding now. Rather than remembering the unspeakable details, we now speak about that which lifts the heart and mind. Rather than repeating or reliving the trauma in our mental and emotional bodies, we are transforming our hearts, minds, and the Earth where the trauma occurred. Rather than being a family of victims we are now a family who has chosen a path of empowerment and peace. We trust that by choosing this, we will demonstrate to others how powerful our individual and collective point of focus is. We can all choose to focus on life chapters that were filled with celebration, joy, laughter, and love. We don’t need to dread a date on the calendar anymore. We can, as a collective, flip the script.
We understand and deeply appreciate how all life is inextricably linked. Unfortunately, this means what we leave unhealed affects all life on Earth and beyond. Fortunately, this also means when we transform our individual trauma we are contributing to the transformation of the collective; there is no separation with the two. What we heal within will ripple out. It is all connected.
When emotional or physical trauma (or death) is experienced by any species on Earth, it is recorded within the body, mind, soul, and soils. Our Earth literally holds records of every trauma that has been committed to our planet, as well what has been done to other living beings. Every part of Earth that still holds the trauma of war, pain, and suffering is ready to heal. Within countless areas on every continent, there are communities in need of healing.
People, plants, pets, minerals, and every being on our Earth carries unique codes and keys. These are known as an "Energy Signature". Each unique energy signature plays a part in our collective healing, and in both our inner and global transformation.
This unprecedented planetary project serves to show how lasting healing can occur on every level of existence. Through this global project we can create healing within ourselves and communities on every continent. Unprecedented transformation is possible all over our planet. We can heal the Earth while healing ourselves. We can heal our ancestors by healing the wounds of the past today. We can heal our loved ones who have left this world tragically by healing ourselves now; we are ONE. From the human race to every species with whom we share this precious planet, all can benefit when we come together to Light up the darkness.
Each of us has the ability to become inspired and share our light! No matter our backgrounds and personal paths, we can come together to create spaces of peace, joy, and inspiration where we live. Together we can write a new collective chapter. We can all begin again. We can become living witnesses to new energies being birthed all over our Earth! Communities can come together on every continent during this new collective life chapter! What we purposefully plant now will set in motion the creation of new seeds of inspiration, hope, peace, and empowerment for countless future generations to come.
Seeds of hope and healing we plant now will become fruits for future generations.